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美國(guó)Neutronics MODEL5124BE-N1氧氣分析儀



Description The Neutronics 5100 Percent Oxygen Analyzer is a compact analyzer designed for percent oxygen gas measurement. This analyzer features a rapid-response mini-zirconia sensor with a me





    The Neutronics 5100 Percent Oxygen Analyzer is a compact analyzer designed for percent oxygen gas measurement. This analyzer features a rapid-response mini-zirconia sensor with a measurement range of 0 to * oxygen. Extremely high accuracy and single point calibration make this analyzer a low-maintenance solution that delivers reliable performance for critical process control applications.

    The mini-zirconia oxygen sensor is accurate to within ±0.5% of the measurement range. The response time is 15 seconds. Operating service life is 2 to 3 years, and it has an unlimited shelf life. It is not affected by position and can be exposed to high atmospheric pressures with no impact on performance. This robust sensor is unaffected by dry atmospheres or by extremely cold storage temperatures

  •     Product Specifications
Measuring Range:0-1%, 0-10%, 0-25%, 0-50%, 0-* auto
Accuracy:±0.5% of range
Enclosure Rating:Ctrl panel: WeathrproofNEMA 4 (IP66)Rear electronic chassis:Nema 1, IP20
Response Time:T90 < 15 sec
Display Size:7 seg. 0.75" LED4 alphanumeric characters;LEDs for system status: run,/fault/alarm 1/alarm 2
Power:90 - 264 VAC or 24 VDC
Analog Communications:Serial RS-232 service portAnalog 0-1, 0-5,0-10 VDCand 4-20 mA
Relay Rating:2 alarm relays, field adjustable 1 system fault relay, non-adj
Ambient Temperature:2 alarm relays, field adjustable 1 system fault relay, non-adj
Humidity:0 to 95% RH (non-condensing)
Product Dimensions (L×W×H):Analyzer: 7" × 4.125" × 3.75" (17.78 × 10.48 × 9.53 cm) Sensor: 1.5" diam. × 3.25" long
Product Weight:3 lbs
Sensor Type:Mini-Zirconia ZR500
Expected Sensor Service Life:2 Years
Warranty:1 Year




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